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Milk contains many molecules of a phosphoprotein called casein. In cow's milk, 82% of milk protein is casein, and 18% is whey protein[1]. The suspended caseins in milk form structures called micelles[2]. Apart from casein molecules, casein micelles contain water and salts, which are mostly calcium and phosphorous. When the micellar structure is disturbed by heating the milk and by adding an alkali(ammonia) to milk which lowers the pH level to pH 4.6, then the casein micelles come apart and the the casein molecules re-organize into a long chain and precipitate into the polymer casein


  • 20g of casein powder

  • 200ml regular household ammonia

  • 20ml of glycerin


1. Mix ammonia and casein powder for a few hours

2. Add glycerin and stir for 24 hours (at least)

3. Let dry for about 3 weeks

Caesin and Ammonia after mixing for 24 hours put into the mold
After Drying for 2 weeks

As you can see instead of drying properly, the ammonia and caesin mix started to separate, at this point it wasn't as liquid as a week before but the mix was still jelly like, after waiting and waiting the mix started to clump up more

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